Riffs & Meaning Manic Street Preachers and Know Your EnemyA critical analysis of the career of the Manic Street Preachers and their 2001 record Know Your Enemy.Headpress Books
Stephen Lee Naish
Stephen Lee Naish is the author of six books of non-fiction, notably, Create or Die: Essays on the Artistry of Dennis Hopper (AUP), Riffs and Meaning (HeadPress), and Screen Captures: Film in the Age of Emergency (Newstar Books).
Kingston, Canada
Selected work (10 publications)
Crying at robots: emotional responses to artificial intelligenceSob!
Big Trouble In Big China: Ghost Cities Of China ReviewedA look at Wade Shepard's economic, social and — most importantly — human examination of China's pre-abandoned megacities
The Congress and the Slow Dissolve of Reality
Hip Hopp: Dennis Hopper, Protest, and Popular MusicThis is an edited excerpt from Create or Die: Essays on the Artistry of Dennis Hopper,