How the Moon Works In How the Moon Works, globally underappreciated author Matt Rowan, strives for literary greatness and fails heroically. Cobalt Press
Barrelhouse, 2023The Shredder Everyone who worked there enjoyed the work they did, for the most part. It was a graphics interface firm. They specialized in the interfacing of graphics, which usually was more than enough explanation for anyone outside the firmanxietydark comedyWeird Fiction
Bending Genres, 2024Diagnosis Many Tiny Crabs Inside of YouI was first diagnosed with cancer, but then it turned out it was actually many tiny crabs inside of me.
Back Patio Press, 20232 StoriesOne is about the business of banking. The other is about a world full of hands. Need I say more?
Maudlin House, 2023Don't Be Evil. Let the words written on a notecard be your conscience. dark comedyfeardeadly sins
Grimoire , 2019Resurrection Mary and the Transmigration of Souls They’re forcing us by video on the Big Screens to run fast again, “as fast as you can,” and if we choose not to it’s at the risk of great bodily harm and possible gruesome death. Very hard to ignore their order that way.
Neutral Spaces , 2020A Party Already The idea of it wasn’t quick to be gotten rid of. I’d been invited to a party, again. Suffice it to say, after some internal debate, I attended.
HAD , 2022Ladder Man “I can be creepy with just a ladder,” Ladder Man said to me on the other side of my second-story window.
The Spectacle , 2016FrontiersmenSpace is a great time. It’s a lot of fun being an astronaut out in it. I especially enjoy the space tether that allows me to dangle out in the void of it all. I love having the job of retrieving space junk.
Spork Press, 2020All of Me All of me is everywhere. It was like a willful explosion of me. One day: boom and it’s out of here and all over everywhere. I’m all over everywhere, and for that reason I’m feeling gross.
Split Lip Magazine , 2014Magic ComputerWe found out that our computer ran on magic. Mom and Dad had said it was supposed to be electricity that computers ran on, before we’d bought it and brought it home.
SmokeLong Quarterly , 2012Bad Traffic There was a scarecrow on the highway, one day. We drivers noticed it impaled and hanging limp on a rusted pole pressed into a slab of the concrete median. Like a sword in stone.
Pacifica Literary Review , 2015Arms Everything in the school was normal from the outside. It was normal on the inside, too. There were just a few subtle differences distinguishing it from most schools you’ve probably seen. And one major difference.
Rejection Letters , 2020How Meat Could Be the Next Big Thing I found the heart pumping and spurting blood from its many severed veins. I was already running late for my important meeting. It seemed like fate. It seemed like fate because I was also completely unprepared for the meeting.
The Daily Drunk , 2020Advertising Company selling some brand of flake cereal saying every flake’s a meal. Company ad will have Danny DeVito and Bruce Campbell on a toboggan, while it’s snowing, waiting for a phone call from a very important boss.
Atticus Review, 2014The Possibility of GhostsWe’d heard what happened in the old place. How it once belonged to a young couple, a man and a woman who were roommates and friends but nothing more, no romantic entanglement to speak of.
Always Crashing, 2020Clean TeethFoolish to forget. You did it at your own peril. Teeth are evaluated clean when you go to the dentist. Your Audible Itinerary always alerted you it was time to go, when at its regular interval it was time to go.
Necessary Fiction, 2016When the robots arrivedThe robots stood apart from us, some meters away, blandly surveying the unfolding scene with dull-glowing eyes.
elsewhere, 2014Pay Us MoneyPay us money! said the bill that was taped to the door of Frida’s apartment.
Pank , 2013Always Looking for Ways to Forgive Myself for the Things I Can’t Forgive Myself forYou can’t just forgive yourself for the horrible things you do to yourself and the things you do that harm other people, though you might want to, though you wish you could.
HAD , 2020A Place I'd Like to Go Here’s the truth, as I understand it. There is a place surrounded by the mountains that no one has ever returned from. There was a town there with living people at one point and there’s some reason to believe people are still alive and well there.
Hobart , 2022Must Be Santa, Santa Claus A sudden blur, a momentary riot, bumping, clanging on the hood of my car. Then, just as quickly, the blur vanished out of view and back into the snow flurry that partially obscured my vision.