Folklore of the Self"Folklore of the Self" explores trauma in reverse-chronological order, delving into the past as constructed narrative.Fahmidan & Co. Publishing, 2023
Anti-Heroin Chic, 2024Three Poems: In the Veins; American Ophelia; Semaphore"should I write them/ out of the privacy of death"poetry
MAYDAY, 2022My Beloved Addresses Me with One Last Pastoral"I have charmed/ the moon/ the ribbed bottom,/ strewed with dark/ summer nights"poetryerasure
Stone of Madness Press, 2023What Is History If Not an Endlessly Fragmented Archive"to sing a song of our own, unlike that of birds or honey..."experimentalpoetry
The Broadkill Review, 2024Two Poems: After My Appendectomy, I Think of Amber Benson's Role in Buffy; Afterimage"...softness, a dream i cannot reach. her/ touch lingers./ it sings through inexperience and the haze of hospital drugs:/ it traces my outline, makes me/ more than my post-surgery self..."poetry
Overheard, 20231925"doomed: a word like the toll of a bell, beckoning/ towards death. blue marl clay shrink-swell soil/ in their mouths, under nails, clod-handfuls in fists/ which push whitely toward the air..."
Bending Genres, 2023Anachronisms (Three Poems)"the warbling spring slopes down to touch your shoulder/ where blouse slips below socket & you remember/ the way sun was a kind of melancholy hope in those days"experimental
Ample Remains, 2022Fairland Street"the crimp of pain/ behind my eyes, migraine/ efflorescing// like the sudden exuberance of blooms/ on the bradford pear, cheaply/ beloved of blowflies"
Ghost City Press, 2022Piece of Me" not like her fur, a smooth enticement / but like a peach ripening / in the summer sun "
The Lumiere Review, 2022Creekside House"she was never so tender/ as when caring for plants, preferred their solemn/ quiet to a disorderly horde of children."
Monstering Mag, 2022Die Gar Traurige"Her cats cry as her body becomes ash, their tears/ pooling, putting her out too late: in the tinted picture/ the flames extend from her back, incendiary wings."
Susurrus, 2021Reading Plath in Richmond"How full you are of spent loveliness,/ like a fox pelt flattened to the road, white-tipped/ tail wafting with the passing of each car."
Olit, 2021Bertha in the Mirror"i wish i could say it was just summer / but your fury is familiar, was once/ mine, years ago, a girl/ feeling her first heatwave press/ its power through her blood"
Survivor Lit; Farside Review, 2021Once More, But Quieter"...there is nothing unusual about this, except that one line in particular is a visceral squeeze, a tightening of the fingers of truth around my gut"
Claw & Blossom, 2021At 16, I Experience My First Pregnancy Scare"my body, folding in on itself, a fetal fractal / the imagined child / blooming from my nether- -self"
Pastel Pastoral Magazine, 2021The Woods in April"...turning the air/ golden-green, the stain of spring/ upon the slowly turning world."
Barren Magazine, 2021The Phylogeny of Fear"imperfect prey, my chest squeezes in the tight fist/ of fear whenever someone is displeased—"
Feral Poetry, 2021The Greenskeeper"& then they bloom, beautiful & terrible,/ like blood in a basin: the azaleas/ red as a yanked tooth."
Perhappened Magazine, 2021Late May"This spring I should celebrate— / warm sun-burnished hair, cherries/ in full-blown flower, tenderness/ of new leaves— undoes me."
Windows Facing Windows Review, 2020Pinhole Image"...still, you are/ the shape of absence, a hole in the paper/ of our joint lives, curling into yourself."
Mineral Lit Mag; Doubleback Review, 2020Harvester"my body remembers yours: how cruelly/ you delved in me, without question,/ gouging the elm roots of my lungs,"