Summer of Pokemon GoWe tour the graveyard with a lead on a Scyther. I feel bad about this, but Scyther is a big deal. We make sure not to step on any plots, and I read aloud the names and dates on the stones. Penitence.
Luke Larkin
Luke is a queer writer in Missoula, MT, where he earned his MFA at the University of Montana. He hikes with his Saint Bernard and shoots recurve.
Missoula, MT, United States
Selected work (4 publications)
Fat Bear WeekIt’s Fat Bear Week, and thousands tune in to watch grizzlies in Katmai National Park gorge themselves on salmon and berries in an effort unbeknownst to the bears themselves to see who’ll expand the most before their long winter sleep.
HunterMy grandmother showed me her ghost once. We were sitting on the porch of the house she’d die in and she was smoking a cigarette that’d kill her not a year later, though at the time I didn’t think much of anything could kill her.
Paging the DoctorIt arrives on my doorstep and I unbox the thing like it’s radioactive, and for all I know, it could be. The wonders of modern medicine are beyond me, and bad news arrives in every manner of packaging.