«Countée Cullen's Harlem: A Personal History of the Renaissance»A creative non-fiction group portrait depicting Harlem Renassaince Countée Cullen and his circle. Parlor Press LLC, 2023
Kevin Anthony Brown
Kevin Anthony Brown is an author, essayist, literary translator and reviewer who has written, been anthologized in, contributed to or translated eight published or forthcoming books.
San Diego, CA, United States
Selected work (3 publications)
Florilegium Gallicum: French Writers in English TranslationFive books by Balzac, Flauber, Proust and Michel Leiris, three of them translated by Lydia Davis, can be used to understand centuries of French literature and history.
Selected EssaysKevin A. Brown has published in daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly publications short-form reviews and long-form essay-reviews.
Essays & ReviewsColette's «Chéri» novellas.