ØRGΛN C1TYA treatise on urban futurism & universal subculture.MΣTARIDDIM, 2022
Kahlil Crawford
Bass journalist chronicling the low end.
Chicago, IL, United States
Selected work (11 publication)
Press Release: Kahlil Crawford’s ØRGΛN C1TY Explores Urban Futurism & Artistic Expression"The book’s illustrations depict a future city that is both beautiful and chaotic."
press release
Review: ØRGΛN C1TY: metarhythm"Because that’s what it takes to read this book—you need to rethink how you consume art and what art can do. "
book review
Review: ØRGΛN C1TY: A Visual Journey Into Urban Futurism & Sonic Metarhythms"Kahlil Crawford and Mariette Papić collaborate on a visionary exploration of art and music."
book review
press release
Essay: Diasporic Design - A Straight-Ahead Approach"Some Indigenous and minority creatives translate visual stimuli into existential narratives that elevate their nations and communities. Globally, these designers form a “diaspora” of visionaries committed to advancing the state of their people."