DIAGRAM, 2016The Martyrs"My mother feared the plague, feared long tails and large testicles."Essaycreative nonfiction
New Delta Review, 2021The Evelyns"“Done,” she says, removing the speculum. She throws away the device and peels off her gloves. There are benefits to having a mother who is a gynecologist. This is not one of them."Short StoryFiction
Hippocampus Magazine, 2015Self-Portrait"Sculpt the peaks and valleys of the flames as they caress her cheeks, her arms, her everything, and paint the man who went back for her and never returned."creative nonfictionflash essay
Sundog LitMenarche"She imagined a pumpkinseed baby with a pumpkinseed heart, swaddled and pressed into a miniature plastic cradle."Short StoryFictionspeculative