In The Mood Magazine, 2023Cartoon Archetypes Miss Piggy knows she’s bacon, so she can’t figure out why Kermit is always playing gamesmediatelevisionTV
Querencia Press, 2023In The Air (In The Teeth)She says that the way that people say things, aloud, but she is surprised by that. She is embarrassed at the way it leaves her mouth, gray and dusty, like gravel.graphic narrativepzr excerptpzr undeads
God's Cruel Joke - July 2023, 2023Body Of Organs In the oily soil beneath the overpass, glittered with glass, and littered with plastic, two wild dogs scrap over your heart which you meant to bury very deep in case you wanted to go back for it. graphic narrativepink zombie rosepzr excerptpzr undeads
Fatal Flaw, 2023Strings & AttractorsWe’re strung with the threads of time, in articulated skeletons, so it shouldn’t be this easy to slip into the pasthorrorgraphic narrativepink zombie rosepzr excerptpzr undeads
Querencia Press, 2023Stop The World And MeltGender is irrelevant. We’re only a series of reincarnated souls, churned out like playdoh, squeezing through the hole in a star shape. second persongraphic narrativepink zombie rosepzr excerptpzr undeads
Scavengers Lit, 2023Heart of December - Comic Winter has a black muscle in its frozen core, an oily machine that pumps starry matter into plumed breath, and underneath the surface, there are spreading veins of frost. second personpink zombie rosepzr excerptpzr undeads
Apocalypse Confidential , 2023On The BlinkThe world is a ruffle, a folded tapeworm, upper sides, undersides, and each teeming surface was oblivious to the next.graphic narrativepink zombie rosepzr excerptpzr undeads
Fatal Flaw, 2022Heart of DecemberYou’d think death would be like the cave of a hibernating bear, but it’s a thousand family recipes, scratched out and written over, floured and translucent with grease. horrorexistentialpink zombie rosepzr excerptpzr undeads
Gypsophilia , 2023Living DollShe wore wide legged Hawaiian print jumpsuit, zippered with palazzo pants, a primo example of 70’s resort wear, and shoes with plastic heels shaped like two of the seven dwarves. pink zombie roseAngelique Lautrec, pzr excerpt
100 Subtexts Magazine, 2022Following The Wrong Star A station wagon braked on a patch of ice, turned sideways, and nearly lost its Christmas tree. Pine needles landed in the slush. romanceChristmaspink zombie roseAngelique Lautrec, aton verne
100 Subtexts Magazine, 2023Everlasting Love Black lucite featured a gothic engraving: a bone white skull was etched into the high-shine surface. Aton lifted the lucite lid.punk rockromancefashionhalloweenpink zombie roseAngelique Lautrec, pzr excerptaton verne
On The High Literary Journal, 2022Monster MashThe black Cadillac pull from the curb. The headlights flipped on to illuminate a mob of zombies. romancehalloweenpink zombie roseAngelique Lautrec, aton verne
Open Sewers , 2022We Had LoveThe crowd bounced, jumping collectively, Checkerboard linoleum took the beating. Shelved records anchored the room. pink zombie roseatom verne, shane zabatpzr excerpt
100 Subtexts Magazine, 2022Black Steel In The Hour of ChaosPenny candy. Pickled eggs. Dusty crates of Sundrop soda pop. A very specific combination of scents encapsulated a tiny store in a Detroit alleyway.graphic narrativepink zombie rose
Viridian Door X, 2022White Teeth / Black Leather Twin veins pulsed neon pink in the diner’s futuristic skin. He stepped into the fragrant zombie roseatom verne, shane zabat
Apple In The Dark, 2022Gingerbread HouseThe roof rippled in stripes of ruffled cedar, delicate layers of puff pastry. While the windows weren’t grouted in frosting, it had that effect. speculativeromancemagical realismanticapitalistpink zombie roseAngelique Lautrec,
Outlander, 2022BewebbedWithout the Web, you wouldn’t know I want a real doll, but one that’s pastel, like an alien, and also, obviously, a strap-on, so I can show my extraterrestrial guest a good time.friendshiponline communities
Cringe Magazine , 2022WeightThat “us” feeling gets us right in the reward center. Our brains bleep and bloop and shoot rainbow stars.feminismculturepop culture
Kinda Weird Magazine , 2022ContactRadio is the hand reaching into us, our own starry nebulae, our blackest holes. We connect. We broadcast. We choose. memorypunk rockmusicchildhood
In The Mood Magazine, 2023Twin Binge I’m an evil twin—greedy, jealous, stark-raving mad, and cold-bloodedly homicidal. I mean, maybe. Vanishing Twin Syndrome is not uncommon. mediatelevisionTV
Soft Star Magazine , 2023The Mysteries Of Dia Van BurdickShe lowered the knife and it grew even brighter — a giant throbbing Yayoi Kusama pumpkin, snake in a slithering neon skin. experimentalspeculativespeculative cnf
Outlander, 2022Grocery Lists Are ArtLike the one I used to buy when we were sleeping in the love-den. For months, we camped within that screened-in porch.
Outlander, 2022Maraschino Cat Show A pastel record played on a Fisher-Price turntable. Puff the Magic Dragon. The basement smelled of damp concrete and old carpet.childhoodfirst person
Cream Scene Carnival, 2022AftershaftThe convertible is white on white—an ivory paint job and a tattered ragtop. The wings lower, tucking into the bird, and I rise up childhoodspirituality
Outlander, 2023Trickster In Twelve Churches Inside the whale, it was round and blue like the dome of a Greek church. childhoodreligionspirituality
Polyester , 2022On Snooze But that’s my very special dick and I took that photo with a mini toy-like Polaroid which in itself is funny. A dick’s gotta be in on the joke. humorgenderneurodivergentangerfeminism#MeTootransgenderpatriarchy acadamia sexualization
Deadbeat Poets , 2022The Secret To A Long Fabulist Marriage In the teeth of memory, he whispers. “What are you wearing?” After midnight, with a half-finished chapter, I’m wearing a laptop. More writer than woman, my answer is only half sexy: beaver-eyed below the waist, 3 pistachio shells in my sports bra.coming of agerelationshipmischiefsummerwritingmuseconnectionfabulismnostalgia
Run Amok Books , 2022Gladiator Not far from Lake Erie, like a suburb of Detroit, there’s Toledo; a city so alluring that Jamie Farr was willing to crossdress if it meant the military might ship him home. Or so he claimed. craftautismwritingmuseconnectiontechnology
Solstice Literary Magazine, 2022En Caul Like Margaret Mead, I’m fat with memory; hundreds and hundreds of thousands; millions of memories. I keep meaning to sit down and actually count them. It would be strange to bring that upon myself, to let them come at me willy nilly, good and bad.experimentalmental healthexistentialsurrealism