Wolvesburrow Productions, 2018SoarFiction War Magazine is an independent literary journal curating and showcasing original short flash fiction by established and emerging authors from around the world.FictionflashAnthology
Astres Press, 2018Little OneREBELS AND REVENANTS features the dead and the undead, ghosts both figurative and literal, Elder Gods and Egyptian queens, and, funny enough, more than a little rebellion. Most of all, these eleven stories have heart...Short StoryFictionAnthology
Writer's Workout, 2021Monumental MonumentsTHE WRITER'S GAMES is an annual writing competition with a global reach. With six surprise challenges over consecutive weeks, registered participants create amazing new worlds in just 72 hours.Short StoryFictionAnthology
Writer's Workout, 2022Lady Whittaker's Last Winter SolsticeTHE WRITER'S GAMES is an annual writing competition with a global reach. With six surprise challenges over consecutive weeks, registered participants create amazing new worlds in just 72 hours.Short StoryFictionAnthology