Internal Compass"Even scientists can’t explain that animal instinct—
their internal compass tuned
so finely to their first breath
it's as strong as gravity itself"

Amber Watson
Poet, freelance writer, award-winning food blogger, and a foster and adoptive parent. Originally from Massachusetts, but Durham, NC has been home for the past decade.
Durham, NC, United States
Selected work (6 publications)
Neutron Star "an ancient universe
rekindles in your eyes
glints of light pressed
into dark matter resting
like jewels in a pool of tar"
Ode to Alone"I inhale to make room in my ribs for your emptiness,
linger with this longing for less—just me
and you, alone, beneath a half-moon’s halo."
MoltThe "3 Elements" for this issue were "Ribcage, Cicada, and Unravel." See how I, along with other writers and artists, incorporated them into our work.
Old Key"The key still unlocks the side door
in my mind and lets out
a familiar groan as it peels open
to reveal them all bellowing inside—"
Persephone's Undoing in Reverse"I witness you punching your way out,
breaking up through the cool damp earth
that imprisoned you for years—
harsh sun on the surface blinding."