VIBE is a literary and cultural publishing project founded in 2021. It has been based in Delhi, London, and Belfast so far. Aesthetically, VIBE is concerned with the materiality and physicality of artistic production. We primarily publish poetry.
- Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
- Response time: ?*/Editor reported data47 days*Chill Subs tracker stats
- Acceptance rate: ?*/Editor reported data17.65%*Chill Subs tracker stats
Accepts simultaneous submissions
What's that?
When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time
Accepts previously published
From the editors
Anthologies, Blogs, Defunct Mags, Only Appeared In Print, Other Lit Mags, Personal Websites, Social Media
What's that?
When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary
Nominates for prizes
Active on social media
Available in print
Provides contributor copies
Has examples online
How to submit
Cover letter
Cover letters aren't needed but feel free to say hi. Include a bio, any length is fine, any tone/style/vibe is fine. Bio can be updated at the time of acceptance and again prior to print publication. Bio published online can be edited at any time if there's a change in your personal info; no explanations needed.
No specific eligibility requirements
PDF or DOCX, ideally the former if you have fancy formatting.
Author's rights
All yours.
Additional info
We accept previously published work, but please let us know where so we can credit them. We try to offer a discount code to contributors for the issue(s) they appear in, but we cannot offer free contributor copies at this time. We are working towards this, but providing our contributors with cash where possible is a higher priority at the moment. Profits from print sales of each publication will be distributed among contributors, guest editors (where applicable), and VIBE.
Tracker statistics
Total submissions tracked
47 days
Average response time
Average acceptance rate
2 days
Fastest response time
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