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Literary Magazine

the engine(idling



the engine(idling latest issue

the engine(idling is a literary journal seeking poetry and art submissions from the restless.


  • Vibe:We're just chilling here
  • Response time:
    30 days after submission*
    Editor reported data
    13 days*
    Chill Subs tracker stats
  • Acceptance rate:
    Editor reported data
    Chill Subs tracker stats


  • Accepts simultaneous submissions

    What's that?

    When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

  • Accepts previously published

    From the editors

    Blogs, Personal Websites, Social Media

    What's that?

    When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

  • Nominates for prizes

    From the editors

    Best Of The Net, Pushcart

  • Active on social media

  • Available in print

  • Provides contributor copies

  • Has examples online

How to submit

  • Processs


  • Cover letter

    Cover letters are appreciated but not necessary. At minimum, include a short third person bio, with your name (or pen name) as you would like it to appear in the issue. Your bio can list a handful of your previous publications, and / or something interesting about yourself. A few lines will do. Please also include your Instagram / Threads / X / BlueSky handles if you want to be followed / tagged in posts in the event of your publication.

  • Eligibility

    No specific eligibility requirements

  • Formatting

    Send written work as a .docx file, or copy/paste it into the body of the email. Please use a standard font.

  • Author's rights

    First North American Serial Rights. Ownership of the work remains with the author.

  • Additional info

Tracker statistics


Total submissions tracked

13 days

Average response time


Average acceptance rate

2 days

Fastest response time

Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

person with a laptop

The Submissions Grinder Statistics


12-month average acceptance rate

7 days

12-month average response time

Managed by editors


the engine(idling is a literary journal seeking poetry and art submissions from the crafty / the restless / the difficult personalities of this world. We want to highlight voices that are rich with expression / language that is playful and impactful / and imagery that is evocative and unexpected....

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    Editor Danielle McMahon avatar

    Danielle McMahon
