The Deeps (Spindle House) logo

The Deeps (Spindle House)

Literary Magazine


The Deeps (Spindle House) latest issue

The Deeps is an annual publication that seeks to refocus on communal storytelling as the heart of horror.


This magazine may have some eligibility requirements

Please double-check before submitting.

  • Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
  • Response time:
    3-4 weeks post-close*
    Editor reported data
  • Acceptance rate:

Pays$0.01 per word

Find more details in the Genres section


  • Accepts simultaneous submissions

    What's that?

    When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

  • Accepts previously published

    What's that?

    When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

  • Nominates for prizes

    From the editors

    Pushcart Prize

  • Active on social media

  • Available in print

  • Provides contributor copies

    From the editors

    Contributors get one free physical copy of the issue their work appears in!

  • Has examples online

  • Offers expedited response

    What's that?

    Expedited submission: When the magazine offers a faster response time for an extra fee

Fiction - 6000 words max

Max words: 500

Max words: 6000

Max pieces: 1

Sub Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction

Payment: $ 0.01 per word

The Deeps seeks to publish pieces of fiction (500-6,000 words) and narrative poetry (up to 240 lines) that are horror and horror-adjacent, and particularly well-suited for traditional storytelling. (Imagine these stories/poems being read aloud on a dark night or around a fire.)

How to submit

  • Processs

    Google / other forms

  • Cover letter

    Be prepared to include a cover letter and a third-person author bio. Clearly stated pronouns are encouraged in your bio. (he/him) (she/they) etc.

  • Eligibility

    Diversity Statement: We accept submissions from creators of every ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, creed, nationality, ability, and economic background. Further, we encourage submissions from those whose voices are underrepresented or frequently silenced. You are welcome here. Please don’t self-reject by not submitting. Additionally, we support human creativity, not machine imitation. We do not accept submissions of any kind that are created or “assisted” by AI and will never knowingly publish such work. By submitting to us, you affirm that you are the creative intelligence behind your submission, not an AI. Our contract contains a clause to this effect.

  • Formatting

    Submissions should be a MS Word document (.doc/.docx) or Google Doc. Please no PDFs or RTFs. Format your submission to include the following standards: 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced, with the word/line count printed at the top of the first page.

  • Author's rights

    We are seeking first worldwide English language rights to publish your work in print and digital formats, for which we are asking 6-months exclusivity. We are also seeking the non-exclusive rights to archive your work on our website in an online edition of the magazine. Copyright remains with the author. A contract will be provided and may be requested at any time. Please note that your legal name is required for contract purposes and will be kept confidential. You are welcome to use a byline (pen name/pseudonym) that differs from your legal name.

  • Additional info

Tracker statistics


Total submissions tracked

22 days

Average response time


Average acceptance rate

10 days

Fastest response time

33 days

Slowest response time

Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

person with a laptop

Managed by editors

Submission calls

    All genres



The Deeps seeks to publish pieces of short fiction and narrative poetry that are horror and horror-adjacent, and particularly well-suited for traditional storytelling. We have a special interest in stories that are gothic, folkloric, cosmic, or psychological in nature.






    Editor Benjamin Vandersluis avatar

    Benjamin Vandersluis


    Editor Dori Lumpkin avatar

    Dori Lumpkin

    Co-Editor and Social Media Director