We seek to publish a variety of styles and diverse voices, and we are honored to present work by new writers
- Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
- Response time: ?*/Editor reported data61 days*Chill Subs tracker stats
- Acceptance rate: 6%*/Editor reported data10.38%*Chill Subs tracker stats
- Work acquired through solicitation: 3%
Accepts simultaneous submissions
What's that?
When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time
Accepts previously published
What's that?
When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary
Nominates for prizes
From the editors
Best Microfiction, Best Of The Net, Best Small Fiction, Pushcart
Active on social media
Available in print
Provides contributor copies
Has examples online
How to submit
Cover letter
Make it strange. We might publish it! We have in the past.
No specific eligibility requirements
We like nontraditional forms, formats, and styles.
Author's rights
Midway Journal offers first publication rights. Once the work is moved to our archives, all rights revert back to the author. If the work is republished in an anthology or full-length collection or chapbook, we ask that you give first publication credit to Midway.
Additional info
For a nominal fee ($2.50), we will guarantee a careful, expedited reading of your work. We publish four issues annually with new issues going live on the 15th of January, April, July, and October. Visit a recent issue to get a sense of what we might like to publish. We like nontraditional forms, but we publish a wide range of material.
Tracker statistics
Total submissions tracked
61 days
Average response time
Average acceptance rate
12 days
Fastest response time
Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!