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Lost Colony

Literary Magazine



Lost Colony publishes one masterfully crafted mid-length (10,000-25,000 words) story of speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy in all of their manifestations) every quarter.

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Girl with a notebook


  • Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
  • Response time:
    less than 3 months*
    Editor reported data
  • Acceptance rate:

Pays$50 per piece

Find more details in the Genres section


  • Accepts simultaneous submissions

    What's that?

    When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

  • Accepts previously published

    What's that?

    When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

  • Nominates for prizes

  • Active on social media

  • Available in print

  • Provides contributor copies

  • Has examples online

  • Offers expedited response

    What's that?

    Expedited submission: When the magazine offers a faster response time for an extra fee

Fiction - 25000 words max

Max words: 10000

Max words: 25000

Sub Genres: All / surprise us, Fantasy, Science Fiction

Payment: $ 50 per piece

with light science fiction or fantasy element

How to submit

  • Processs

    Google / other forms

  • Cover letter

    No cover letter advice

  • Eligibility

    No specific eligibility requirements

  • Formatting

    Your story must be typed in a readable font (bonus points for following Modern Manuscript Format).

  • Author's rights

    And here are the rights that I ask for in exchange for the above: Worldwide first serial rights (this is the right to be the first publisher of the story anywhere in the world; I need worldwide rights because the website is available throughout the world) Non-exclusive, indefinite archival rights (this is the right to keep your story up on the website indefinitely; you can request that your story be removed once the annual anthology is out, but I would be sad to see your story go) Reprint rights (for publication in the annual anthology, more on that below) Now, a word on the annual anthology. All of the authors published in the annual anthology have the potential to earn royalties on whatever money (if any) it earns. There will be four stories in the annual anthology and I will pay a royalty of 40% of all earnings after I have recouped my expenses. That 40% will be divided between the authors published based on the percentage of their words that make up the total words in the anthology. The $50 up front payment is an advance on those royalties and there is no guarantee that the anthology will make enough money to pay any more royalties (or that I will recoup my expenses).

  • Additional info

    Your story must not have any of the following: graphic sex or gore or excessive profanity. If your story was a movie, it should probably be rated PG-13 (even a hard PG-13 is okay). Your story must have a science fiction or fantasy element, however light (okay, if you don’t follow this rule, I won’t know until I’ve finished reading your story, but your story will still be rejected and I will be even crankier). Payment is $50 upon publication. Also, there will be four stories in the annual anthology and I will pay a royalty of 40% of all earnings after I have recouped my expenses. That 40% will be divided between the authors published based on the percentage of their words that make up the total words in the anthology.

Tracker statistics


Total submissions tracked


Average response time


Average acceptance rate


Fastest response time


Slowest response time

Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

person with a laptop

Submission calls

    All genres



Lost Colony publishes one masterfully crafted mid-length (10,000-25,000 words) story of speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy in all of their manifestations) every quarter. Quarterly stories are published for free on our website (with ads) and for a small cost as an ebook (without ads). O...

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    Editor M.E. Pickett avatar

    M.E. Pickett
