Identity Theory logo

    Literary Magazine

    Identity Theory






    An online literary magazine and cultural hub that has been publishing original writing, interviews, and other forms of creative expression since July 2000.


    • Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
    • Response time:
      120 days after submission*
      Editor reported data
      100 days*
      Chill Subs tracker stats
    • Acceptance rate:
      Editor reported data
      Chill Subs tracker stats


    • Accepts simultaneous submissions

      What's that?

      When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

    • Accepts previously published

      From the editors

      Anthologies, Blogs, Defunct Mags, Only Appeared In Print, Other Lit Mags, Personal Websites, Social Media

      What's that?

      When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

    • Nominates for prizes

      From the editors

      Best Microfiction, Best Of The Net, Best Small Fiction, Pushcart

    • Active on social media

    • Available in print

    • Provides contributor copies

    • Has examples online

    How to submit

    • Processs


    • Cover letter

      Include a third-person bio—preferably a brief one, but knock yourself out—along with any links you would like included with your work. Social media handles may also be included in your bio. (We'll most likely follow you if you mention your Twitter and Instagram names.) Please include a word count.

    • Eligibility

      No specific eligibility requirements

    • Formatting

      If you want to send your piece as an attachment, use Word. Optimally, paste the submission in the body of the email and then back it up with an attachment.

    • Author's rights

      First electronic. Authors retain rights to print.

    • Additional info

      Make you feel at home: cozy, meme-friendly, a sense of community, all that stuff Promote writers even after publication - hype hype hype They love dogs! Send them their dog! (ok, cats are fine too)

    Managed by editors


    Identity Theory is an online magazine of literature, music, film, social justice, and art. Identity Theory has been publishing original writing, interviews, art, and and other forms of creative expression since July 2000. In the past decade our journal has most famously published highly regarded lon...

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      Editor Matt Borondy avatar

      Matt Borondy


      Editor Sophie Newman avatar

      Sophie Newman

      Deputy Editor

      Editor Carole Burkett avatar

      Carole Burkett

      Senior Prose Editor

      Editor Sarah Clayville avatar

      Sarah Clayville

      Senior Fiction Editor

      Editor James Warner avatar

      James Warner

      Senior Fiction Editor

      Editor Vic Nogay avatar

      Vic Nogay

      Micro Editor & Associate Poetry Editor

      Editor Sara Sams avatar

      Sara Sams

      Poetry Editor

      Editor Justin Aoba avatar

      Justin Aoba

      Deputy Poetry Editor

      Editor Doug Dabbs avatar

      Doug Dabbs

      Visuals Editor