- Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
- Response time: 56 days after submission*/Editor reported data142 days*Chill Subs tracker stats
- Acceptance rate: ?*/Editor reported data7.72%*Chill Subs tracker stats
Accepts simultaneous submissions
What's that?
When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time
Accepts previously published
From the editors
Anthologies, Blogs, Defunct Mags, Only Appeared In Print, Other Lit Mags, Personal Websites, Social Media
What's that?
When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary
Nominates for prizes
Active on social media
Available in print
Provides contributor copies
Has examples online
How to submit
Cover letter
There’s also a field for you to enter any of the items we’ve asked you to note in these submission guidelines, confusingly labelled ‘Cover Letter’. Please do not supply a full covering letter or summary of the story, either on the submission form or the manuscript. The information we’re after includes: reprint information (if applicable), if the author is a Young Author or previously unpublished, if the author is part of an under-represented demographic, if the story is #ownvoices, or if it skirts our content guidelines in any way/touches on sensitive topics. For this last point, this allows us to assign appropriate readers. We’d also ask that you don’t include any identifying personal information here.
No specific eligibility requirements
The manuscript should be saved and uploaded in any standard word processing file type, such as Word, Google Docs or .RTF. We do not accept PDFs.
Author's rights
EA’s episodes are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license. The entire world has permission to download and distribute the audio files for free, provided they properly credit them, don’t offer them for sale, and don’t make any changes. Transcribing it, extracting portions from it that exceed Fair Use, and mashing it up are all prohibited. Check our Legal page for more details.
Additional info
We are particularly interested in considering stories from younger writers. We’re Looking For Stories that evoke a sense of wonder, have deep emotional resonance, and have something unreal about them. We aim for a 12-17 age range: that means sophisticated, non-condescending stories with wide appeal, and without gratuitous or explicit sex, violence or pervasive obscene language. Think Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. We don’t accept media-based fiction or any kind of fan fiction. We run both reprints and original stories, and have no strong preference between the two. We do not accept multiple submissions from an author at the same time. You may only send us a single story at a time, regardless of length.
Tracker statistics
Total submissions tracked
142 days
Average response time
Average acceptance rate
3 days
Fastest response time
Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!