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    Literary Magazine

    Apparition Lit



    Apparition Lit latest issue

    Apparition Lit is a quarterly speculative fiction magazine that features original short stories, poetry, and artwork.


    • Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
    • Response time:
      30 days after submission*
      Editor reported data
      16 days*
      Chill Subs tracker stats
    • Acceptance rate:
      Editor reported data
      Chill Subs tracker stats


    • Accepts simultaneous submissions

      What's that?

      When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

    • Accepts previously published

      What's that?

      When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

    • Nominates for prizes

      From the editors

      Best Microfiction, Best Of The Net, Best Small Fiction, Pushcart

    • Active on social media

    • Available in print

    • Provides contributor copies

    • Has examples online

    How to submit

    • Processs


    • Cover letter

      In your cover letter, please add content warnings for sexual assualt, animal abuse, or graphic violence.

    • Eligibility

      No specific eligibility requirements

    • Formatting

      Format the work using the Shunn manuscript (but we don't need your physical address or phone #) Please only use Times New Roman or Arial font in your document. Name the file using the work title and your last name.

    • Author's rights

      We purchase the right to publish the story online and in the quarterly edition. Rights will revert back to the artist after one year.

    • Additional info

      Pays! Apparition is a semi-pro rate magazine, paying $0.05 per word, minimum of $50.00 dollars for short stories and a flat fee of $50 per poem. Don't accept simultaneous submissions

    Tracker statistics


    Total submissions tracked

    16 days

    Average response time


    Average acceptance rate

    1 days

    Fastest response time

    Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

    person with a laptop

    The Submissions Grinder Statistics


    12-month average acceptance rate

    16 days

    12-month average response time


    Speculative fiction is weird, almost unclassifiable. It’s fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and literary. We want strange, misshapen stories with enough emotional heft to break a heart, with prose that’s as clear and delicious as broth. Apparition Lit seeks original, unpublished speculative fiction and poet...

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      Editor  avatar


      Editor Rebecca Bennett avatar

      Rebecca Bennett

      Owner/Senior Editor and Cover Art Director

      Editor Tacoma Tomilson avatar

      Tacoma Tomilson

      Owner/Senior Editor

      Editor Clarke Doty avatar

      Clarke Doty

      Owner/Senior Editor

      Editor Amy Henry Robinson avatar

      Amy Henry Robinson

      Owner/Senior Editor, Poetry Editor, and Webmaster

      Editor Maria Schrater avatar

      Maria Schrater

      Poetry Editor & Assistant Fiction Editor