Women Poets' Prize logo

Women Poets' Prize

Writing Contest





This listing is scheduled for audit

We haven't reviewed these for 2024 yet, so the info may be from 2023. Please double check information on the contest’s website

if you are an editor for this contest, you can claim the listing here

Girl with a notebook


This contest may have some eligibility requirements

Please double-check before submitting.

  • Response time: 2 months after close
  • Prizes: £1000
  • Fee: -
  • Last run: -
  • Reading blind: -


Max lines: 40

Max pieces: 3

3 pages max


Max pieces: 1

Up to 3 minutes in length containing no more than three poems.


Max pieces: 1

Up to 3 minutes in length containing no more than three poems.

Additional info

Poems previously published in magazines/journals, either in print or online, will be accepted, but please indicate clearly if your poem has been previously published in one of these formats.

Three winners will receive: £1000 cash prize each, one-to-one and group resilience coaching with Shamshad Khan, one-to-one mentoring via The Literary Consultancy’s Chapter and Verse scheme, introduction to film-poetry and digital practices with Bath Spa University, performance coaching with national spoken word charity Apples & Snakes, introduction to poetry festivals and presses with Verve Press, craft workshops with the Poetry School, history of UK Poetry workshop in-house with Faber & Faber, bookbinding workshop with CityLit.

Open to all women poets, emerging or established, who are resident in the UK/Northern Ireland and aged 18 and up.

Submission calls



supports creatively ambitious practitioners – poets who are making or are capable of making a significant contribution to the UK poetry landscape. It is open to all women poets, emerging or established, who are resident in the UK/Northern Ireland and aged 18 and up.
