Picture your workspace as you prep to read subs. Where is it? What’s in the space?
I'm typically sitting at my desk flanked by a collection of begonias and a small bookshelf with all the issues of Foglifter on the top shelf.
What’s a recent or upcoming piece in Foglifter that you’re especially proud of / intrigued by / stoked about?
In Issue 6.2, we published a selection from Candace William's incredible "Dark Diary," an erasure of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and the Congo Diary.
Who are five or six writers you see as typifying the kind of work you look for at Foglifter?
Chen Chen, Zak Salih, Chekwube Danladi, Jake Skeets, Fargo Tbakhi, Venita Blackburn
What is one thing you’d tell writers to avoid in their submissions to Foglifter?
That's hard! I wouldn't tell folks to avoid anything, as long as they're submitting what they're most excited about and proud of.
Is there a specific kind of project you haven’t seen in your current submissions that you’d love to see come in?
Oh gosh, we see so much exciting stuff, but we're always looking for more hybrid and cross-genre work!
Are there magazines you see as literary siblings, mentors, aspirations, besties, etc.?
Nat Brut, Apogee, The Offing
Any parting words of advice for people submitting work, either to Foglifter or other journals?
Don't let rejection get you down! No matter where you're submitting, it's likely that your work will be read by a different person every time, so if you know you're a fit for particular journal, just keep it up and your work will find its reader! (Personally, I've gotten acceptances after consistently submitting to journals for a decade!)
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