Fuck yeah! We’ve wanted to do this for a while. I mean, why should all your impressive shit have to be shoved into a bio at the bottom of a story? Why not display it with a funky badge on your profile?
Yup, if you go to your profile, you’ll now see a section for displaying your Chill Subs badges.
Right now, we’ve only made a few.
- 5 for the winners of our Who Freaking Cares Writing Contest for Poetic Rejects
- 1 for Kristin Garth for breaking our fucking website
- 1 for T.A. Jones as our first user to complete rejection bingo!
We are—of course—going to have a bunch of silly fun with this, but also want people who have put their blood, sweat, and tears…and more tears into submitting their writing.
So, we also have a ‘Super Publishy Person’ badge for anyone with 50+ publications. (Yeah, we are good at names and stuff).
Next year, we’ll be launching some fun contests for users to earn different badges. We’re always looking for ways to make the submissions process more fun and, hell, earn some cool shit.
Badges are cool, OK!
Check those out and keep an eye on our socials for challenge announcements coming next year.
We're also sure that in the coming weeks we'll be randomly waking up in the middle of the night remembering some of your chill achievements that absolutely deserve a badge.
And if you’ve got something you’re crazy proud of, win a contest, publish your first book, whatever, send us an email and maybe we’ll make a badge to celebrate with you.
Who knows? We’re just doin’ stuff we think is cool over here. No rules.